



Im too young to pass judgements on the world. Im too young to be cynical.

There are so many things to do before that. So many places to see. So many people to meet.

So why limit myself and judge things on the basis of a few ‘bad’ experiences?

Reading is something i always liked. It is much more than a hobby.

So i thought,why not try my hand at writing. Im not bad,that much im certain of.

Therefore,this blog. To just jot down the sudden ideas,random ideas and other such things.

Writing’s seen as a prophylactic activity by many. 

Someone once said..well,i dont remember the exact words but let me summarize that thought : Everybody’s got a story to tell.

So im telling mine. Its not my story per say but parts of it. Bits and pieces of what i think,what i want the world to think.

Hasta la vista babies.